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by Sofía Baracaldo

Physical health is defined as the condition of all your body, and it can be affected by lifestyle, diet, level of physical activity, and behavior. Mental health is defined as the emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Which can affect the way we think, feel, and act. Poor physical health can lead to a risk of developing a mental illness. Similarly can negatively impact on physical health leading to a risk of suffering in several areas of it. Having a healthy mind and body can prevent the onset conditions that they may unleash. 

Nowadays, technology has become an indispensable artifact that every time it happens to influence more in our world. Even though it has decreased the number of physical activity since we all have it in the palm of our hand making people attached to it. Teenagers are the ones that are the most affected by technology. Being overly connected can cause psychological issues such as being more distracted and feeling depressed. Besides affecting the mind it will affect the body in negative repercussions causing vision problems, hearing loss, and neck strain.

A headline of 2012 study by the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project concluded how the rapid growth of technology will affect our minds: “Millennials will benefit and suffer due to their hyperconnected lives.” In other words, the new technology would make it easier for teenagers to find information as quickly as possible, but it can also make these future generations impatient, distracted, and attached to technology. Teenagers get even more affected every day, their attachment to technology can make them develop IDisorder, a symptom that consists of an obsessive need to check text messages, and a desperately desired of constantly updating in social media, or having a near addiction of playing video games.

Additions are a concerning problem nowadays since its seen more often in teenagers. As technology, additions are now trendy on the youth because of what is post on the internet, regardless of its effects. Which they can be influenced by other people to lead them through that path. Many substances can alter the physical and mental health, but the most concerning ones on teenagers are the alcohol and vaping or smoking. These substances, and more others, can create a severe impact on youth health; at a young age, these can cause some damage to the body such as distorted vision, heart and central nervous system damage, and lung cancer. Also, the mind would suffer certain effects, memory loss, coordination, develop a feeling of depression, and anxiety. 

Many of these needs of consuming these substances are for the lack of tolerance of frustration, family problems, stress, sleep, nutrition, mindfulness, and physical activity. 
The future generations are lacking in many things, but the main one is a good mental and physical health. For instance, there are a few teenagers who lived a good lifestyle. The rates of suicide in adolescents and adults are between the ages of 15 to 24.  Teenagers nowadays have a poorly view of life. Technology and drugs are believed to cure that lack of love and attention that is missing. Technology and addictions will still be a part of our lives, but if teenagers receive better information about the importance of having a healthy mind and body, this will prevent many situations such as suicide.


Physical health. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2020, from glossary/physical-health/ 
What Is Mental Health? (2019, May 4). Retrieved February 2, 2020, from https://
Physical health and mental health. (2020, January 30). Retrieved February 2, 2020, from
Technology and Psychological Issues. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2020, from http://

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